Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jerks all around

Oh man, what a jerk I am! The old man couldn't hear me so his wife said he would. And then he could barely do it. Nisa is about 30 lbs! Why did I think this old man would be ok picking her up?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Up in the sky!

This was just so ridiculous. I can't believe pterodactyl was my first thought.
To give a little context, on my drives to and from work, I often like to pretend there are dinosaurs and how the current road system would be different if dinosaurs came back. Like huge steel girders over the roads or something? I don't know.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Big cars

Big cars drive me nuts. But people sure do like them.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Comic 100 and pajama pants

Hey! This is the 100th comic! And it is about my big butt and comfy pajamas. I don't have anything to say about either of those things.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ridiculous lyrics

Gwen Stefani's Hollerback Girl. I kind of love this song. But I have no idea what she is saying.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


I haven't used it a super lot, but I have used it. Here are some of the pieces I have done on my cintiq.

Deer Lady and Jackalope by *lunavalse on deviantART

Deer In Woods by *lunavalse on deviantART

Bunny Loves Robot by *lunavalse on deviantART

Meerkat In Top Hat by *lunavalse on deviantART

Little Lost Locket by *lunavalse on deviantART

Corgi fart by *lunavalse on deviantART

Then I learned about textures (which I get at, so I did these.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Yoga Butt

I'm back from the Cartooning Studio workshop at the Center for Cartoon Studies in Vermont and it was amazing. I had such a great time. I made two comics and am writing up a bunch of autobio comics. I will compile these into a comic. I am half way done with the autobio comics. I will be at Portland Zine Symposium this weekend, so I hope to be amazing and have the new comic read and printed by then. BUT! Abe is super super busy at work, so he might not be able to print it. So we'll see.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Yoga watchers

Oh yoga. You make me so paranoid. Not really the point is it.

Still in Vermont. I wonder how Abe and the dogs are doing without me.