Friday, May 30, 2014

Memorial day weekend

So I promised something really cool. This is not it. Maybe next Tuesday. I'm so tired. But school is almost over for the year and I can get back to a regular sleep schedule.
You might also notice on the last panel I have a Dino on my shirt. This is a nod to one of my new favorite web comics, Extra Ordinary, at I highly recommend you check it out.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Well, I have been working on images like this instead of my autobio comics. And it turns out I ran out of pre-scheduled comics last week. Whoops. This is actually sort of autobio. Abe and I saw these pigeons in downtown Seattle while waiting for the bus and there was all this colored popcorn around. Blue. Yellow. Red. Green. This particular drawing was a for homework, but I didn't think I spent enough time on it (like 4 hours) so I did another and it still only took 6 hours.

I have a cool post for Thursday, as long as I remember to do it. And as of June 4, all my homework for the Natural Science Illustration classes should be done. I also have some comics done but not scanned or anything. Like 5 from the last year or so. Sheesh, I have been so busy since I started school! Worth it.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The sweats

Eee-yikes. I have never been so gross in my life as that amazing week.
Last comic about the Cartooning Studio workshop I went to in Vermont at the Center for Cartoon StudiesYou can also buy the whole book with these comics and the two mini comics I made during the week: Cartooning Studio 2013.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Stupid Macs screwing with my head, man.
More comics about the Cartooning Studio workshop I went to in Vermont at the Center for Cartoon StudiesYou can also buy the whole book with these comics and the two mini comics I made during the week: Cartooning Studio 2013.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Flying home

Not great with kids, this one.
More comics about the Cartooning Studio workshop I went to in Vermont at the Center for Cartoon StudiesYou can also buy the whole book with these comics and the two mini comics I made during the week: Cartooning Studio 2013.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Main Street Museum

Wow this place was nuts. I had a great time and really look forward to taking Abe there sometime. Never seemed so much taxidermy in one place before. The concert afterwards was pretty great too, but I have no idea who it was. Forgot to write down their names.
More comics about the Cartooning Studio workshop I went to in Vermont at the Center for Cartoon StudiesYou can also buy the whole book with these comics and the two mini comics I made during the week: Cartooning Studio 2013.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

WRJ Art Walk

So sad I was done. It was fun to just hang around in the town. And there really are some amazing artists.
More comics about the Cartooning Studio workshop I went to in Vermont at the Center for Cartoon StudiesYou can also buy the whole book with these comics and the two mini comics I made during the week: Cartooning Studio 2013.